Ahmad Abdel-Azim


  • 2022-2024
    Harvard University | A.M. in Statistics
    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS)
  • 2020-2024
    Harvard University | A.B. in Statistics, Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Joint degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS)


  • 09/2022 - present
    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
    Researcher, Xihong Lin laboratory
    • Developing robust polygenic risk scores (PRS) for early disease diagnosis and reliable patient stratification, leveraging mixed effects model framework. Our method correctly accounts for longitudinal data and cryptic/familial relatedness.
    • Validating method via simulation and empirically using UK Biobank data to show that predictions produced are consistently more accurate than current state-of-the-art approaches.
  • 06/2023 - 09/2023
    Analytical Genetics Intern, Regeneron Genetics Center (RGC)
    • Developed efficient methods for computing polygenic overlap at biobank-scale from GWAS summary data. Implementing Monte Carlo and Bayesian methods for rapid and efficient computation. Validating method empirically in UK Biobank.
    • Manager: Goncalo Abecasis, VP RGC Chief Genomics & Data Sciences Officer
  • 05/2022 - 09/2023
    Bioinformatics Consultant
    • Developed and tested AMR (antimicrobial resistance) machine learning (ML) identification pipeline for metagenomic diagnostic samples.
    • Developed unsupervised ML model to predict AMR from protein structural disruptions in protein variants. AlphaFold was leveraged for protein structure prediction and de novo AMR gene discovery.
  • 09/2020 - 04/2022
    Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Researcher, David Kwiatkowski laboratory
    • Led broad scientific mission to unravel the genomic landscape of a rare, aggressive tumor type known as PEComa and provide diagnostic markers (extensive experience analyzing WES/WGS, RNA-seq, and ChIP-seq data).
    • Co-authored 5 manuscripts reporting new somatic genetic events (SNVs, indels, CNVs) and mutational signatures that contribute to the development and progression of malignant PEComa with metastatic potential.
  • 06/2021 - 05/2022
    Data Scientist, Computational genomics
    • Built end-to-end machine learning pipeline to identify kinase drug targets and extract relevant features from multi-omics (e.g. proteomic) data associated with disease onset, progression, and survival for several cancer types.
    • Identified novel biomarker candidates to support drug discovery using in-house and publicly available datasets.
    • Continually presented methods to internal and external stakeholders and made a case for advancing discoveries from in-silico to in-vitro and in-vivo trials.
  • 09/2021 - 12/2021
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)
    Student Researcher, Manolis Kellis laboratory
    • Developed multi-omics machine learning model to predict Alzheimer's disease (AD) onset and progression from genetic (XGBoost), neuroimaging (3D CNN), and clinical data (MLP) to facilitate rapid and precise diagnosis.
  • 06/2019 - 04/2020
    Harvard Medical School
    Research Intern, Debora Marks laboratory
    • Selected as one of 82 students around the world to conduct research at the RSI 2019 program.
    • Integrated publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing data sets to investigate differentiation pathways and cell fate determination signals. Explored effects of simultaneous biological systems on fate decision-making during differentiation by modeling organelle development relative to cell development.
  • 09/2017 - 06/2018
    Lawrence University
    Researcher, Brian Piasecki laboratory
    • Studied evolutionary behavior of bacteria in antibiotics and Manuka honey. Characterized the bactericidal properties of honey and the role of osmotic stress. Modeled genetic basis and patterns of gaining antibiotic resistance.

Leadership and Activities

  • 09/2022 - present
    Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS)
    Teaching Fellow
    • Served as a Teaching Fellow for several courses in the statistics, computer science, and biology departments, including Statistics 111 (Statistical Inference), Statistics 110 (Probability), Statistics 185 (Unsupervised Learning), MCB 112 (Biological Data Analysis), CS 181 (Machine Learning), and Statistics 117 (Biostatistics). Led weekly review sections for students and hosted weekly office hours.
  • 09/2020 - 04/2023
    Harvard Data Analytics Group (HDAG)
    Chief Consulting Officer (CCO)
    • Led and organized sourcing process for HDAG data consulting services. Pitched to hundreds of Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, and local startups across several industries (Roche, WHO, NBA) and collectively sourced engagements worth $250k+ each semester.
    • Organized and managed case teams of 100+ competitively recruited undergrads to conduct data projects for signed clients.
  • 12/2020 - 05/2022
    Harvard Open Data Project (HODP)
    Nonprofits Director
    • Organized and managed teams of trained undergraduate data scientists and journalists to conduct pro bono data projects for local nonprofits across a variety of industries (e.g. government, computer software).
  • 10/2021 - 05/2022
    Harvard Student Agencies (HSA)
    • Subjects taught include statistics, computer science, biology, chemistry, and mathematics.

Technical Skills

    • R (high proficiency) : ShinyR • ggplot2 • caret • Seurat • tidyverse • dplyr • devtools • package development • simulation • statistical modeling • data visualization
    • Python (high proficiency) : Pytorch • TensorFlow • Keras • Sklearn • Scipy • OpenCV • NumPy • Pandas • Scanpy • Matplotlib
    • Other : Julia • SQL • C/C++ • HTML/CSS • MATLAB • Git • Markdown • Linux
    • Cloud computing platforms : Google Cloud Platform • Amazon Web Services • Microsoft Azure

Honors and Awards

Feb 2023 Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) term-time research funding - Lin group
Jun 2021 Herchel Smith Undergraduate Research Fellow
Sept 2021 Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) term-time research runding - Kwiatkowski group
Jun 2021 Program for Research in Science and Engineering (PRISE), invited but gratefully declined
Feb 2021 Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) research funding - Kwiatkowski group
Feb 2021 Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) research funding - Kwiatkowski group
Jun 2019 Research Science Institute (RSI) - Top 5 Paper Award, Top 10 Presentation